Vacuum Feedthroughs, Heating Elements, and Custom Process Heaters for Aerospace, University Research, Semiconductor, Medical and OEM Applications

Gas Chromatograph Heaters

Gas Chromatograph Heaters


Constant demand for optimized analytical throughput, GC portability, and less costly analysis propels the development of new gas chromatography designs and technologies. In recent decades, resistive heating technologies designed for the sample column heating have become commercially available and have grown in popularity. Resistive heaters have clear advantages over traditional air bath ovens, most notably direct, low-mass heating through conduction. The growth of portable GC systems has also benefitted from small, compact, low power resistive heaters.

The temperature control system is at the heart of gas chromatography accuracy, sensitivity and speed. This system is comprised of the electric heating elements, temperature controllers, and temperature sensors. All are critical in sample and column temperature regulation.

This specialized category of electric heating element is designed to provide extremely uniform temperature profiles across the length of the GC column. This uniformity accommodates a stable temperature environment for the capture of repeatable and consistent data between runs. Gas chromatograph heaters allow for very precise temperature ramping and set point control to very tight tolerances. This is critical because the slightest fluctuation in column temperature during analysis will have significant effect on analysis outcomes.

The BCE Advantage

  • Engineering Support for New Designs
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Replacement Parts

BCE manufacturers OEM and replacement heaters for a variety of gas chromatograph manufacturers and models.


This heater ramps a cell end plate to 105°C. The challenge was developing a solution due to the small surface area that needed to be heated (~ 0.75” diameter). The application required a 25-Watt 120-Volt source,and resulted in a high resistance value (576 ohms) eliminating many heater options for this size and surface area.

Gas Chromatograph Heater

Custom Gas Chromatograph Heater

Efficient heating of small surfaces.


A low mass and high conductivity Copper-Molybdenum heating element capable of quickly reaching high target temperatures and with raid cooling down. Design includes two thermocouples and M1 threads.

Gas Chromatograph Heater

Molybdenum-Copper Stage Heater

Rapid low-power heating and cool-down.

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